In a world overflowing with information, capturing and keeping the attention of your audience is no easy task. This is where infographics become a key tool for presentations.
About Wonder Slides, Technology, and Speed
Wonderslide Update Rundown: Create from Scratch and much more
Are you ready to experience a whole new way of creating your presentations? Dive in to learn more about our biggest release to date.
5 Unexpected Ways You Can Use a Presentation
Explore five unexpected and imaginative ways to incorporate presentations into your daily life, adding zest and fun to the ordinary.
New features: save and share!
We got a HUGE update! Introducing two long-awaited features – sharing of the presentations and built-in drafts. Now your work will be even easier and more convenient.
How to choose good photos for a presentation?
In this article, we provide important tips on how to improve the effectiveness of presentations with impressive visuals. Learn how to choose high-quality, relevant photos for your presentations.
Creating a clear text for presentation
Tired of long monotonous texts? We will tell you how to make it bright and interesting. Your guide is in this article.
Presentations 101: How to create the best presentation ever
In this article, you will learn the basic tips that will help make your presentation better, and secrets to simplify the editing process.
Our new feature – the Color Picker
In the previous article we broke down how to choose presentation colors, today we’ll talk about how our color picker works to make your job easier.
How to choose colors for presentations?
Wonderslide will help you create beautiful and functional presentations in just a couple of clicks. In this article, we’ll look at how to choose the perfect colors for your presentation slides.
Wonderslide is the #1 design tool of the week. What’s next?
A big event recently happened for us as we launched at Product Hunt. We were worried about how this community would welcome Wonderslide, but the response was great and really warm!