We are proud to announce a major new update. We’ve listened to your needs, refined our arsenal, and are excited to introduce two revolutionary features that will make your work even more convenient.
Sharing presentations
This feature will help you share your presentation with the right people or protect it from the wrong eyes. It’s perfect for teamwork. Whether you’re preparing a presentation for a group project, business proposal, or creative endeavor, Wonderslide’s Presentation Sharing feature provides a collaboration platform to fit your needs.
With our new feature you have three distinct ways to share your masterpieces:
- Restricted Access: Keep your presentations private. They’re available to you only, ensuring that your ideas and creations stay within your virtual workspace.
- Anyone with the Link: Need to share your presentation with a wider audience? Simply generate a link, and anyone with that link can access your presentation. It’s perfect for sharing your work with collaborators, clients, or anyone who needs your file.
- Via PIN Code: For an added layer of security, use a PIN code to control who can view your presentation. This is an excellent option when you want to share your work with a select group of individuals.
How to use this feature:
- Finish your presentation.
- Click on the “Share” button.
- Choose your preferred sharing option: Restricted Access, Anyone with the Link, or Via PIN Code.
We made a quick gif-lesson for you!

Another great feature is My presentations
You won’t lose your drafts! Our storage ensures that your files are safely stored on our website. Now you don’t have to load your presentation dozens of times, just go back to it and keep working.
Why it’s great to use this feature:
- Seamless access. There’s no more digging through folders or worrying that files are out of place. With this feature, your drafts are always at your fingertips. One click on the “Upload Draft Slides” button and there they are, easily accessible whenever you get inspired.
- Creative freedom. The creative process can be unpredictable, and ideas often come to mind at the most unexpected moments. Built-in drafts liberate your creativity by keeping your thoughts and concepts safe and easy to find, allowing you to refine and improve your work at your own pace.
- Optimized workflow. Collaboration is more fluid when your drafts are centralized and accessible. Whether you’re working alone or in a team, the Embedded Drafts feature streamlines your workflow, making it more efficient and collaborative.
- Loss Protection. Your drafts are valuable intellectual property, and losing them can be devastating. Wonderslide’s built-in drafts act as a shield, protecting your work from accidental deletion, computer crashes, or other unexpected circumstances.
Look, how it works!
Accessing the drafts is easy – just click on the Upload Draft Slides, and voila! Your drafts are there, ready to be turned into functional presentations.

We’ve been working really hard on the update to make your make the job even easier!
With these new features, Wonderslide lets you create, share, and store presentations effortlessly. Whether you’re creating presentations alone or collaborating with a team, these features meet your needs.
Update your presentations with ease, security, and creativity!